
Good Cop Bad Cop 4th Edition and Zombies Expansion


The classic social deduction game has been perfected in this 4th Edition. The Zombies expansion removes player elimination.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mission Accomplished
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 07:49:29 PM

Well, officers, we finally completed our mission. The 4th Edition of Good Cop Bad Cop, the zombies expansion, and new printings of all the previous expansions is officially happening! Thank you for supporting us along the way!!!

This one flew by pretty quickly. At 18 days, it was a shorter campaign than usual, but it felt like it was about the right length. We were funded on the first day and it was smooth sailing all the way through. We didn't have any huge spikes in the middle of the campaign, but also zero days of negative backers or funding. You can analyze the campaign data here on Kicktraq.

What's Next?

Following are the major milestones each month for the rest of the campaign.


  • Lunar New Year - The manufacturing plant in China is shut down for another couple weeks, but that's not a huge issue because we need to wrap up the pledge manager before we need to work too much with the manufacturer.
  • BackerKit Pledge Manager Opens - In about 2 weeks, we will be sending you the link to the pledge manager where you can do all of these things: 
    • provide your mailing address to us
    • add on additional items
    • tell us which name you'd like to see on the Big Box for those of you who got it
    • fix declined Kickstarter payments
    • pay for shipping
    • in some regions, pay for taxes 


  • BackerKit Pledge Manager Closes - No more items can be added on after this point.
  • Pre-Production Begins - We'll finalize the print files with the manufacturer. We have already done most of this, but we'll need to make a few small changes.


  • Pre-Production Completes - All print files and samples will be approved.
  • Finalize Print Quantities - Based on the copies required to fulfill all Kickstarter and BackerKit orders, we will estimate how many extra copies we will want to print on top of that for the final quantities for the manufacturer. This is always a really hard decision because you want to print enough to meet demand in the near future, but not too much where we have extra and we have to pay for storage costs of unsold copies. 


  • Manufacturing Begins - Our manufacturer will fire up the printers to make these games.


  • Manufacturing Completes - Manufacturing will finish. Based on past history, it will likely take about 6 weeks in total.
  • Addresses Finalized - We'll ask one more time for any updates to mailing addresses since shipping will be starting soon.


  • Freight Shipping Begins - We'll need to freight ship games to the fulfillment centers we'll be using. The amount of time this takes varies quite a bit.


  • Freight Shipping Completes - All inventory will have arrived at our fulfillment centers.
  • Fulfillment Center Receiving - It usually takes a week or two for a fulfillment to receive everything and order boxes/supplies for shipping.


  • Local Shipping Begins - We'll start shipping out in waves.


  • Local Shipping Continues - All rewards should be shipped out by this time.


  • Local Shipping Completes - Everyone should have their rewards.

That's it! There's a little buffer in that schedule for inevitable issues to arise and be resolved, but we've done this a dozen times now so we'll be able to stick very close to this timeline. And of course you can hold us to it!


For anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area, Brian will be demo'ing the Zombies expansion and our next game (Crash & Grab) at DunDraCon. Send a message if you will be there and you'd like to play a game!

As always, let us know if you have any questions through a Kickstarter message, comment, or email [email protected].


-Clayton and Brian

Your Name on the Big Box
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 10:10:31 AM

Officers! We got the "Double 200" achievement! 200 backers and over 200% funding. Nice! Just a few more days to go now before we can move into the production phase.

Your Name on the Big Box

For anyone who is getting a Big Box, whether it's an Add On on Kickstarter, an Add On in the BackerKit pledge manager, or as part of the All the Things reward level, your name will be on it! The nice thing about a smaller campaign is we can give everyone the white glove treatment with special things like this.

Here's what we did on the Promoted campaign when we introduced the Big Box and we'll do something similar for this one too:

When you fill out the BackerKit pledge manager at the end of the month, you'll tell us the name you want shown on it. Oh and you'll have the option of opting out if you want to stay hidden or you're currently undercover or something like that. You can even have us put someone else's name on it instead of yours if you want to do something special for your Valentine's Day crush.

Questions? Send us a Kickstarter message, comment, or email [email protected].

-Clayton and Brian

Board Game Arena Tournament
9 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 10:01:28 AM

Well officers, we're now over $10,000 in funding and almost 200 of us in our little precinct! If you can share the campaign with any gaming communities you're a part of, it would really help raise awareness for it.

Board Game Arena Tournament

Do you want to prove you're the best Good Cop Bad Cop player in the world? Or just learn how to play before you get your physical copy? Well we just created a new Board Game Arena tournament for Good Cop Bad Cop with the Zombies expansion that starts on the last day of the campaign. We post the winners of previous official tournaments on the "tourneys" tab of the GCBC page too so if you finish in the top 3, your victory will be forever remembered. Join now!

Social Deduction Network Interview

You can find the transcript of the interview WereDINO conducted last weekend with me (Brian) right here. He does a bunch of game designer interviews, especially for social deduction games, over on his Social Deduction Network discord server. And he's always entertaining, whether it's in an interview or in the comments. Thanks for being such a big supporter, WereDINO!

If you have any questions, please comment, send us a Kickstarter message, or email us at [email protected].

One week to go!

-Clayton and Brian

Add Ons and Social Deduction Network Chat
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 05:04:40 PM

Greetings Officers,

We're over 150 backers now and 168% funded so things are going well! If you can think of a place to share the campaign with others, we'd love to bring more officers over to our precinct.

Kickstarter Add Ons Now Available

You can now add on the items to your Kickstarter pledge that you'll be able to add on in the pledge manager. Either way will be the same price so it doesn't matter which you choose, but just in case you want to add something on now so you don't forget later, you now can. Just edit your pledge to add something on. I should have done that from the beginning. *facepalm*

Social Deduction Network Chat

The mighty WereDINO is going to interview us (text-based) on his Discord server called The Social Deduction Network tomorrow at 8am US Pacific time. You can come by and watch it live or catch it later on his server. This invite link will be valid for the next 7 days if you want to join!

Back to the beat!

-Clayton and Brian

Fully Funded!
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 06:50:32 PM

Well officers, after about 6 hours, we were fully funded! It has been amazing to see so many folks from our past campaigns come back for this one too. Thank you to both the familiar and the new faces in the comments! We promise to do our part to exceed your expectations in this campaign so you can focus on what's really important: preparing for the zombie horde!

If you can think of a place to share this campaign, we'd love for you to help raise awareness for it so we can bring more into the community.

Upgrade Kit: All the Things Reward Level

Most of the comments so far have revolved around those backers who got the All the Things reward level in the previous Good Cop Bad Cop campaign and where they should back in this one to get updated to the latest of everything.

The answer is that the "Upgrade Kit: All the Things" reward level on this campaign is designed to do exactly that. It will have everything that has changed in the base game, previous expansions, equipment/promotion packs, new tuckboxes for the Big Box -- plus the new items: Zombies expansion, the new equipment pack, game mat, and a pack of custom sleeves.

If you have any questions, send us a message on Kickstarter, comment, or email us at [email protected].

Thanks again for being with us on this journey, officers!

-Clayton and Brian