
Good Cop Bad Cop 4th Edition and Zombies Expansion


The classic social deduction game has been perfected in this 4th Edition. The Zombies expansion removes player elimination.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Local Shipping Beginning
14 days ago – Sat, Aug 24, 2024 at 01:29:37 PM

The day has finally come, officers! It's time to start shipping games from fulfillment centers to your doors!

Shipping Info

All rewards are expected to leave fulfillment centers within the next couple weeks. You will receive an email from BackerKit with your tracking number a few days after it ships. If you do not receive a tracking number by September 16th, send us a KS message or email [email protected] and we will investigate. Once it ships, you will also be able to find your tracking number when you log-in to BackerKit and go to this campaign.

Arrival Windows

Now the part we have very little control over... when it gets through postal systems to your door. This will depend on quite a few variables like the wave you end up in, the import process for the country you live in, and the agility of your local postal workers. But at a high level, we are happy to declare that SEPTEMBER IS GOOD COP BAD COP MONTH because all rewards are expected to arrive that month. For more granularity, just refer to your tracking details once you receive it.

If you have any questions, send us a KS message, comment, or email us at [email protected].

We're so excited for you to get this amazing expansion and new editions!!!

-Brian and Clayton

Shipment Phase Beginning
about 1 month ago – Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 07:59:58 PM

Greetings officers,

I know we promised in the last update our next one would be in August but we're sending one a little early because we have news! TLDR: We're still on scheduled and our first backers will start getting copies in hands in September. 

Shipping Phase Beginning

Since the last update, our manufacturer sent us the first units off the production line. We inspected every word on every card, rulesheet, and box, which is more than we've ever made in the past, and we're happy to tell you that everything is perfect! With those production copies approved, the manufacturing has continued and is finishing up as we speak. It's time to start shipping to fulfillment centers! This will take a few weeks yet, but once received there, we'll quickly get them shipping out to your doors, which means the first backers will get them in September.

Last Chance for Address Changes

Since we're starting shipping soon, we need your mailing address so we can prepare all the orders and give them to the fulfillment centers. You should have received an email from BackerKit with a final chance to update your mailing address. If you will be moving in September or October, send us a message on Kickstarter or [email protected] so we work with you directly to make sure your rewards goes to the right place.

Upgrade Kits

We also have exciting news for anyone who is receiving any type of upgrade kit. Rather than sending you just the components that changed, we're going to send you the latest edition of whatever it is you were trying to upgrade. So if you got the Undercover upgrade kit for example, we're just going to send you Undercover 2nd Edition. Since most of the cards/components changed in some way in the latest versions and due to manufacturing economies of scale, it was cheaper to do it this way. You will NOT have to pay any extra for this.

That means you can gift/sell your older versions of the game because, instead of getting upgrade kits, you'll get the full latest version. If you don't have anyone in mind, maybe give it to your favorite local game store or bar/cafe to add to their game library.

San Diego Comic Con

We spent the weekend demo'ing the final versions of Good Cop Bad Cop at San Diego Comic Con! Here are a few pictures from the adventures:

As always, send us questions through message, comment, or email ([email protected]) and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. And if you're every wanting more frequent updates, check out the comments section for Mini Updates.

Almost there, folks!!!

Brian and Clayton

Credit Card Charging and Address Locking Tomorrow
2 months ago – Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 07:19:05 AM

Fellow Officers,

We're getting close now and still ahead of schedule! Please see below for updates on manufacturing, shipping, credit card charging, and address changes.

Credit Card Charging Tomorrow

The manufacturing is expected to finish soon, which means the freight shipping phase is about to begin. That's the part where we send the finished games to fulfillment centers. It also means it's time to charge credit cards for the cost of shipping and anything added on in BackerKit. We'll be charging those tomorrow, on June 29th.

Locking Mailing Addresses

Since shipping is about to begin, we need to lock down mailing addresses to begin preparing for the fulfillment phase. Tomorrow we will also start the lock down process of mailing addresses. Please log-in to BackerKit to make sure your address is up-to-date. And if you are moving in late July through September, please let us know with a Kickstarter message or email to [email protected] so we can work with you individually on an exact shipping date to make sure your reward gets to the right address.

San Diego Comic Con

We'll be at San Diego Comic Con next month! We will be in the tabletop area showcasing Good Cop Bad Cop 4th Edition, the Zombies expansion, and Crash & Grab so keep an eye on our social media accounts (Instagram, X, Discord, Facebook, Threads) for pictures and we'll likely post some in an August Kickstarter update too.

Thanks for your patience, officers. Please feel free to send us a Kickstarter message, comment, or email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Brian and Clayton

Manufacturing Progressing and New Video
3 months ago – Sun, Jun 09, 2024 at 10:05:41 AM

Greetings officers!

TLDR: We're still ahead of schedule so you can expect your rewards to be in your hands in September.

Manufacturing Update

The games are still being produced and that will continue throughout June and into July. We are making new print runs of the base game, all expansions, and the Kickstarter extras, so it's a very large and complicated print run when you include all of those things. 

We haven't yet gotten the first copies off the production line, but we're expecting that to happen soon. Assuming that goes well, we should begin the freight shipping phase in mid-July and the local shipping to happen in August or early September. But what you really care about.... that means you should have your rewards in your hands at some point in September, which is 2 months earlier than we planned. That will line up nicely so you can host a Good Cop Bad Cop themed game day in September where you and your friends will surely be preparing your Halloween cop costumes for October.

BackerKit Charging Date: June 29th

We need to charge for shipping and add ons (anything from BackerKit) before we begin freight shipping so we know what to ship and where, so we're going to do that on Saturday, June 29th. You can log-in to BackerKit to see how much will be charged to you on that date.

Moving Soon?

We'll also be locking down mailing address changes around June 29th as well. You'll get an email with a last change to change your address when that date gets closer. But if you know you will be moving in July, August, or September, please send us a Kickstarter message or email us at [email protected] so we can work with you individually during the shipping process to make sure your package does not get lost in the moving shuffle. You can log-in to BackerKit to change your mailing address.

Next Game Trailer Released!

We released the video trailer for our next game, Crash & Grab

The landing page has a link where you can be the first to vote on the background music we use for the video that goes to Kickstarter. 

We'll keep posting quick updates in between these bigger ones so you can always check there for the latest. And in the next bigger Update in about a month, we should be able to narrow down the shipping window even more. Talk to ya then!

Clayton and Brian

BackerKit Surveys Locked and Manufacturing Begins
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 08:39:03 AM

Greetings Officers! All good news in here. TLDR: We're ahead of schedule!

Manufacturing Begins

Since the last update, we've been very busy working with the manufacturer on submitting print files, scouring the proofs for typos, and deciding on final order quantities.

Below is an example of one sheet of proofs in case you're curious -- these are for the cards in the Undercover Expansion. There are about 50 of these in total we've been going through during the proofing process.

But we are happy to report that the proofs are fully approved so the manufacturer can begin manufacturing as soon as they have an opening in their production schedule.

BackerKit Surveys Locked

Since we had to submit order quantities, we locked all the BackerKit surveys so that item quantities cannot be changed. Let us know if you need to make changes as I'm sure we can still accommodate them.

Moving Soon?

Although the BackerKit surveys cannot be modified anymore, you can still change your address. If you need to do that, just log-in to your survey using the link you were emailed or this one.

Credit Card Charging

Your credit card will be charged for all BackerKit orders just before we're ready to start shipping, which will be toward the end of May. We should be able to give you an exact date in the next Update, which should be in about a month.

As always, send us a Kickstarter message or email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Officers Dismissed!

Clayton and Brian